Source: layout/menu-spec.js

 * Spec of config options for the Menu Layout.

ludo.layout.MenuSpec = {
	 type attribute of parent must be set to "menu" to get menu layout
	 @config {String} type
	 	new ludo.View({
	type : 'menu',

	 * How to render menu items, vertical or horizontal
	 * @config {String} orientation
	 * @default 'horizontal'

	 * true to show sub menus on mouse over without first having to click on parent menu item.
	 * @config {Boolean} active
	 * @default false

     * For horizontal menus, where to show sub menu vertically, below or above
     * @config {String} alignSubMenuV
     * @default 'below'

     * Where to show sub menu horizontally, rightOrLeftOf, leftOrRightOf, leftOr or rightOf.
     * rightOrLeftOf will show sub menu to the right if there's enough space left. leftOrRightOf will show sub menu to
     * the left if there's enough available space. leftOf and rightOf will always show the sub menu to the left or right no
     * matter available space.
     * @config {String} alignSubMenuH
     * @default 'rightOrLeftOf'