

Usage: layout: {type: "relative" }

Relative Layout. This layout will render children relative to each other based on the rules defined below.
For a demo, see Relative layout demo.

Name Type Description
config object
Name Type Description
width number | string

Width in Pixels or "matchParent".

height number | string

Height in pixels or "matchParent"

alignParentTop Boolean

Align at top edge of parent view

alignParentBottom Boolean

Align bottom of this view with the bottom of parent view

alignParentLeft Boolean

Align left in parent

alignParentRight Boolean

Right align inside parent

leftOf String

Align left of sibling with this id

rightOf String

Align right of sibling with this id

below String

Align below sibling with this id

above String

Align above sibling with this id

alignLeft String

Same left position as sibling with this id.

alignRight String

Same right position as sibling with this id

alignTop String

Same top position as sibling with this id

alignBottom String

Same bottom edge as sibling with this id

sameWidthAs String

Same width as sibling with this id

sameHeightAs String

Same height as sibling with this id

centerInParent Boolean

True to Center view inside parent

centerHorizontal Boolean

True to Center view horizontally inside parent

centerVertical Boolean

True to Center View vertically inside parent

fillLeft Boolean

True to use all remaining space left of view. (left pos will be 0)

fillRight Boolean

True to use all remaining space right of view.

fillUp Boolean

True to use all remaining space above view. (top pos will be 0)

absLeft Number

Absolute pixel value for left position

absRight Number

Absolute pixel value for right position

absTop Number

Absolute pixel value for top position

absBottom Number

Absolute pixel value for bottom position

offsetX Number

After positioning the view, offset left position with these number of pixels.

offsetY Number

After positioning the view, offset top position with these number of pixels.

resize Array

Make the view resizable in these directions(left|right|above|below).

var view = new ludo.View({
 		type:'relative' // Render children in relative layout
 	children:[ // array of relative positioned children
 		// Center this view inside parent
		{ id:'child1', html: 'First View', layout:{ centerInParent:true,width:200,height:200}},
		// Render below "child1" and align it with "child1"
		{ id:'child2', html: 'Second View', layout:{ below:'child1', alignLeft:'child1', width:300,height:50 }